Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ardent Love

...that didn't turn out like I expected.

Checked my inbox this morning and there was a message from my Dad. He'd gone over to his coworker's house to check on the guy and just hang out. He dozed off there and when he woke up, the guy was gone with his keys. Guess I'd just missed Dad when I climbed out the window.

My folks... they're not mad. They just want me to come home or let them know that I'm all right. ...Sent a message back letting them know that I'm alive and well. But I don't think I want to go home.

Not yet. Call it paranoia or something.

Robert... what happened to you?


  1. i think it's best we leave him alone, Amelia. Even if he's still being manipulated, he's got a good facade going, he's better off not knowing what's been going on, don't you think?

    It's rough to see him manipulated, but, I mean, it's not a bad end considering.

  2. I think... I think you're right. After all this crap, Robert deserves to be happy. ...Even a lie is preferable to the pain of suffering.

    But personally? It's not the ending I'd want for myself.

  3. Spread the word
    See the world
    Free your mind
    Know the truth
    He Who Waits Behind The Wall

    Spread the word
    For the love of God
    Spread the word
